Erminio Souza
Ermínio Francisco de Souza, nacido en Río de Janeiro, en 1942, casado, jubilado, actualmente artista plástico autodidacta.
Con unos 30 años comencé a frecuentar subastas de obra de arte, en eje RJ / SP, donde comencé a realizar una pequeña colección de pintores nacionales, como: Di Cavalcanti, Panceti, Djanira, Guignard, Ado Malagoli, Of the Coast , Carlos Bracher entre otros.
Con alrededor de 45 años comencé a pintar sin el menor compromiso, solo para hacer, más después de pintar abstractos geométricos, tomé gusto por la pintura, y la convertí en mi principal pasatiempo, luego de mi precoz retiro, luego con 51 años Practica el arte de la pintura de corbatas 14 horas diarias.
Ermínio Francisco de Souza, born in Rio De Janeiro, in 1942, married, pensioner, currently self-taught plastic artist.
With about 30 years I started to frequent auctions of work of art, in axle RJ/SP, where I started to make a small collection of national painters, such as: Di Cavalcanti, Panceti, Djanira, Guignard, Ado Malagoli, Of the Coast, Carlos Bracher among others.
With about 45 years, I started to paint without the lesser commitment, only for making, more after to paint geometric abstracts, I took taste for the painting, and made of it my main pastime, after my precocious retirement, then with 51 years I practise the art of the painting ties 14 hours per day.

Erminio Souza
En el elenco de artistas plásticos que componen la cultura de Brasil, Erminio Francisco de Souza se desprende de mezclar su vida profesional con su vida familiar. Por eso esta mano de obra va a contar en este espacio un poco más con su familia, sus logros y su identidad con la ciudad.
Nacido el 31 de diciembre de 1942, en Son Cristóvão, Rio De Janeiro, es hijo del alagoano Luiz Moraes de Souza, y de la sergipana Maria Enedina de Souza. Casado con Juraci Santos de Souza (nacido el 20/03/1945, en Cascada del Itapemirim – Espirito Santo), con quien tiene dos hijos: Valeria Santos de Souza (08/03/1970) y Cristiane Santos de Souza ( 06/03/1971).
Luego de dejar el colegio interno a los 16 años, con la profesión de barbero, viendo en la hora de recreo un aviso en el periódico sobre una foto del Orlando Teruz, ya comentó con un amigo que un día que compraría una foto como esa. .
Por fin, pasaba el tiempo, nuestra biografía iba a funcionar como continuo en el BEG (Banco del Estado de Guanabara), después hizo competencia interna, y siguió subiendo de aula en la jerarquía del banco.
hasta ocupar el cargo de Operador de Cambio.
Fue en esta época que comenzaron a realizar una pequeña colección de arte en la que estaban compuestos: Di Cavalcante, Djanira, Panceti, Ado Malagoli, Silvio Pinto, Guignard y otros, totalizando más o menos 54 cuadros, frecuentando subastas en el eje RJ / SP. .
Con la jubilación precoz, pues ya había empezado a trabajar en seis bancos Bancos, siendo que el último Atlantis Bank, tuvo una intervención de la Banca Central, tenía que jubilarse a los 51 años, por tanto trabajo era difícil. La jubilación no tenía derecho, por tanto solo tenía 28 años de cotización.
Jubilado y con los niños a sustentar, hizo un viaje Navidad – RN, le gustó mucho la ciudad y decidió cambiar con toda la familia, pasando si para dedicar la pintura por completo.
A los pocos les vendía sus pantallas. En esta altura descubrió el estilo abstracto geométrico. Le fascinaba, y hoy pinta hasta 12 horas al día, lo que lleva en promedio 25 días a pintar un cuadro, por lo que en la mayoría de los cuadros predomina la superposición de colores.
Recientemente, Erminio recibió el Título de Prominencia Artística y Cultural, por la Academia Brasileña de Arte, Cultura e Historia, esperando ser el primero de una serie, que tanto lo honró.
Su relación con la ciudad de São Paulo comenzó cuando nuestra biografía supo ejercía el Cargo de Operador de Cambio, del Banco Bamerindus controlando e de Operaciones de Cambio del Banco Cosecha en 1988. La expectativa era válida todo lo que tenía en relación a la ciudad.
Hoy, el contacto sigue siendo a través de su trabajo, sin embargo en la zona cultural. Lo admira por excelentes expertos en artes, y el apoyo que tuvo de la Academia Brasileña de Arte, Cultura e Historia, donde recientemente realizó una exposición individual en la Región Polar Cultural Casa de la Finca del Morumbi.
In the cast of plastic artists who compose the culture of Brazil, Erminio Francisco de Souza if detaches mixing together its professional life to its familiar life. Therefore this workmanship goes to count in this space a little more on its family, its accomplishments and its identity with the city.
Been born in 31 of December of 1942, in They are Cristóvão, Rio De Janeiro, he is son of the alagoano Luiz Moraes de Souza, and of the sergipana Maria Enedina de Souza. Married with Juraci Santos de Souza (been born in 20/03/1945, in Waterfall of the Itapemirim – Espirito Santo), with who it has two children: Valeria Santos of Souza (08/03/1970) and Cristiane Santos de Souza (03/06/1971).
After to leave the internal college to the 16 years, with the barber profession, seeing in the recess hour a notice in the periodical on a picture of the Orlando Teruz, already commented with a friend who one day that would buy a picture as that one.
At last, the time was passing, our biography was to work as continuous in the BEG (Bank of the State of the Guanabara), later it made internal competition, and it followed going up of classroom in the hierarchy of the bank
until occupying the position of Operator of Exchange.
It was at this time that started to make a small collection of art of which they consisted: Di Cavalcante, Djanira, Panceti, Ado Malagoli, Silvio Pinto, Guignard and others, totalizing more or less 54 pictures, frequenting auctions in axle RJ/SP.
With the precocious retirement, therefore already it had started to work in six banks Banks, being that the last Atlantis Bank, had an intervention of the Central banking, had that to retire to the 51 years, therefore job was difficult. The retirement did not have right, therefore it only had 28 years of contribution.
Pensioner and with the children to support, made a trip Christmas – RN, liked the city very and decided to change with all the family, passing if to dedicate the painting entirely.
To the few it was Selling its screens. In this height it discovered the geometric abstract style. He was fascinated, and today it paints up to 12 hours per day, leading on average 25 days to paint a picture, therefore in the majority of the pictures the overlapping of colors, predominates.
Recently, Erminio received the Heading from Artistic and Cultural Prominence, for the Brazilian Academy of Art, Culture and History, waiting that he is the first one of a series, that much honored it.
Its relation with the city of São Paulo started when our biography knew exerted the Position of Operator of Exchange, of the Bamerindus Bank controlling e of Operations of Exchange of the Bank Harvest in 1988. The expectation was valid all that had in relation the city.
Today, the contact continues being through its work, however in the area culture. It admires it for excellent experts of arts, and the support that had of the Brazilian Academy of Art, Culture and History, where recently carried through an individual exposition in the Cultural Polar region House of the Farm of the Morumbi.
Exposiciones colectivas
05/1996 Novo Leblon – Condomínio – RJ
06/1998 Shopping Millenium – RJ
04/2002 Praia Shopping – Natal – RN
06/2002 Salão da Marinha – Natal – RN
12/2002 Salão da Marinha – Natal – RN
12/2004 Salão de Artes Plásticas de Natal – RN
07/2005 Núcleo de Arte e Cultura da UFRN – RN
10/2005 Salão XIII Unifor Plástica – Fortaleza – CE
12/2004 Salão de Artes Plásticas de Natal – RN
12/2005 Salão da Semana da Marinha – Natal – RN (3 ° Lugar)
12/2006 VI Salón União Nacional dos Artistas Plásticos – São Paulo
– Prêmio: Destaque Artístico e Cultural
12/2006 VI Salón União Nacional dos Artistas Plásticos – São Paulo
– Pêmio: Grande Medalha de Ouro – Conjunto de Obras “Caminho da Luz, Composição I e Composição II – 2006”
04/2007 II Salón Nacional de Artes Plástica, Comemorativo dos 453 años de São Paulo.
– Troféu Leonardo da Vinci
– Brasão Incentivador das Artes Plásticas
07/2007 XXXII Salón Nacional de Artes Plásticas – São Paulo
– Troféu Augusto Severo
– Gráu de Cavaleiro (Conjunto de Obras: “E o dia Clareou” e “O triângulo – 2007”)
08/2007 I Bienal Internacional de Artes Plásticas – Sorocaba- São Paulo (Medalha de Bronce)
11/2007 Waylight – Eventos – “Talenteos do Brasil em Portugal – Portugal”
– Prêmio Grande Medalha de Ouro
11/2008 14ª exposição internacional de Vendas Novas – Portugal
11/2008 TAM GALLERY – Exposición de invierno de Artenade 2008 en Tallin – Estonia
01/2009 PLEIADES & GALLERY – 13th Friendas of Pleiades Invitational Show – Nueva York
03/2010 União Nacional dos Artistas Plástico – São Paulo (Personalidade do Ano 2009 – Prêmio Vicent Van Gogh).
03/2010 – V Salón Nacional de Artes Plástica Internacional da Mulher – Centro Cultural da Marinha – São Paulo
Prêmio: Paleta de Ouro.
Centro de artes de la casa de Lauderdale. Realización ICSA- Instituto Cultural Século e Arte
2010/2011- Exposiçoes Intinerantes no Museu das Americas – Miami e Argentina Setembro 2010 a fevereiro 2011
04/2011 a 07/2011 – Exposi��o Coletiva no Lan�amento do Anuario INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY MASTERS IV -Las Vegas
15/03/2012 a 30/03/2012 – – Londres
04/09/2012 – MIAMI RIVER ART FAIR – Centro de Convenciones de Miami
2014- PARK ART FAIR INTERNATIONAL © 2014 -Triberg en Alemania
Exposiciones individuales:
04/2003 Capitania das Artes – Natal – RN
04/2004 Pinacoteca do Rio Grande do Norte – RN
03/2005 Galeria Rubens Valentin – Brasilia – DF
06/2005 Núcleo de Arte e Cultura da UFRN – RN
07/2005 Núcleo de Arte Contemporânea da UFPB – PB
07/2006 Titulo de Destaque Artístico e Cultural. (Academia Brasileira de Artes, Cultura e História-Casa da Fazenda-São Paulo)
06/2007 Praia Shopping – Natal – RN
08/2007 Panorama Galeria de Arte – Salvador – Bahia
12/2008 Galería Mali Villas-Bôas / São Paulo
11/2009 Colorida Galeria de Arte – Portugal
16/02/2012 a 29/02/2012 – París
10/2012 Assemblï Legislativa o Paulo
Collective exhibitions
05/1996 Novo Leblon – Condomínio – RJ
06/1998 Shopping Millenium – RJ
04/2002 Praia Shopping – Natal – RN
06/2002 Salão da Marinha – Natal – RN
12/2002 Salão da Marinha – Natal – RN
12/2004 Salão de Artes Plásticas de Natal – RN
07/2005 Nucleus of Art and Culture of UFRN – RN
10/2005 Salão XIII Plastic Uniform – Fortaleza – CE
12/2004 Salão de Artes Plásticas de Natal – RN
12/2005 Salão da Semana da Marinha – Natal – RN (3rd Place)
12/2006 VI Salão National Union of Plastic Artists – São Paulo
– Prize: Artistic and Cultural Highlight
12/2006 VI Salão National Union of Plastic Artists – São Paulo
– Pêmio: Grande Medalha de Ouro – Set of Works “Caminho da Luz, Composição I e Composição II – 2006”
04/2007 II Salão Nacional de Artes Plástica, Commemorative two 453 years of São Paulo.
– Troféu Leonardo da Vinci
– Brasão Incentivador das Artes Plásticas
07/2007 XXXII National Salão de Artes Plásticas – São Paulo
– Troféu Augustus Severus
– Gráu de Cavaleiro (Set of Works: “E o dia Clareou” and “O triangulo – 2007”)
08/2007 I International Biennial of Plastic Arts – Sorocaba- São Paulo (Bronze Medal)
11/2007 Waylight – Events – “Talenteos do Brasil em Portugal – Portugal”
– Prize Grande Medalha de Ouro
11/2008 14th international exhibition of Vendas Novas – Portugal
11/2008 TAM GALLERY – Artenade Winter Exhibition 2008 in Tallinn – Estônia
01/2009 PLEIADES & GALLERY – 13th Friendas of Pleiades Invitational Show – New York
03/2010 National União dos Artistas Plástico – São Paulo (Personalidade do Ano 2009 – Prêmio Vicent Van Gogh).
03/2010 – V National Salão de Artes Plastica Internacional da Mulher – Centro Cultural da Marinha – São Paulo
Prize: Ouro Palette.
Lauderdale House Arts Center. Realização ICSA- Cultural Institute Século e Arte
2010 / 2011- Exposiçoes Intinerantes no Museu das Americas – Miami and Argentina September 2010 to February 2011
04/2011 to 07/2011 – Collective Exhibition not Lan�amento do Anuario INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARY MASTERS IV -Las Vegas
03/15/2012 to 03/30/2012 – – London
04/09/2012 – MIAMI RIVER ART FAIR – Miami Convention Center
2014- PARK ART FAIR INTERNATIONAL © 2014 -Triberg in Germany
Individual expositions
04/2003 Capitania das Artes – Natal – RN
04/2004 Pinacoteca do Rio Grande do Norte – RN
03/2005 Rubens Valentin Gallery – Brasília – DF
06/2005 Nucleus of Art and Culture of UFRN – RN
07/2005 Nucleus of Contemporary Art of the UFPB – PB
07/2006 Title of Artistic and Cultural Outstanding. (Brazilian Academy of Arts, Culture and History-Casa da Fazenda-São Paulo)
06/2007 Praia Shopping – Natal – RN
08/2007 Panorama Art Gallery – Salvador – Bahia
12/2008 Gallery Mali Villas-Bôas / São Paulo
11/2009 Colorful Art Gallery – Portugal
02/16/2012 to 02/29/2012 – Paris
10/2012 Legislative Assembly or Paulo