Alonso de Sousa
Artista visual y diseñadora gráfica española. Madrid, 1971.
En su obra se puede apreciar la gran diversidad de técnicas y motivos. Aunque predomina el dibujo realista de paisajes, animales y retratos en tinta china o lápiz, podemos encontrar varios trabajos con un mensaje más crítico. Desde hace varios años, decidió integrar técnicas de diseño digital en sus obras, dando como resultado una interesante serie de pinturas digitales de vivos colores, como contrapunto a su trabajo en tonos suaves o blanco y negro.
“Estoy dibujando desde que alcanzo a recordar, siendo una niña; y después de todos estos años aprendiendo, pintando, explorando, exponiendo y enseñando, sigo buscando el modo de combinar la técnica, la inspiración y las emociones, y las nuevas tecnologías, para descubrir y compartir una visión: la vida, el arte y la belleza del mundo que nos rodea, y del que llevamos dentro.”
Spanish visual artist and graphic designer. Madrid, 1971.
In her work you can appreciate the great diversity of techniques and motifs. Although the realistic drawing of landscapes, animals and portraits in Chinese ink or pencil predominates, we can find several works with a more critical message. For several years, he decided to integrate digital design techniques into her works, resulting in an interesting series of brightly colored digital paintings, as a counterpoint to her work in soft tones or black and white.
“I have been drawing since I can remember, being a child; and after all these years of learning, painting, exploring, exhibiting and teaching, I continue looking for a way to combine technique, inspiration and emotions, and new technologies, to discover and share a vision: life, art and beauty of the world that surrounds us, and of what we carry within.”

Alonso de Sousa
Spanish visual artist and graphic designer. Madrid, 1971. Since she was a child, her artistic talent was shown, being initiated by her mother, the multidisciplinary artist Linda de Sousa, in all kinds of artistic techniques and disciplines that she learned with enthusiasm. She studies Fine Arts at the UCM in Madrid, branch of design; and then she continues her training, even today, always anxious to progress, in graphic design, video editing, image and sound, web design, photography, graphic arts, editorial design … teaching at the same time painting and drawing and arts creative for both children and adults.
She is a member of GpAyC. She participates in group exhibitions in Spain, Europe, South America, Asia and the USA, and exhibits individually in different Spanish provinces and in Madrid. She has permanent work in various collections, museums and institutions in various countries.
In recent years, she has applied digital graphic design techniques to her visual projects, resulting in a series of digital drawings and paintings, both figurative and abstract, made entirely with a computer, in addition to continuing to develop realistic drawings in Chinese
ink or pencil; a reflection of her liking for the variety of techniques as a means of expression.
In addition to her own artistic and exhibition work, she collaborates as a designer with various artists and art collectives in the dissemination and promotion of their projects and creations, carrying out web, graphic and editorial design work, as well as video reports of artistic events (
Spanish visual artist and graphic designer. Madrid, 1971. Since she was a child, her artistic talent was shown, being initiated by her mother, the multidisciplinary artist Linda de Sousa, in all kinds of artistic techniques and disciplines that she learned with enthusiasm. She studies Fine Arts at the UCM in Madrid, branch of design; and then she continues her training, even today, always anxious to progress, in graphic design, video editing, image and sound, web design, photography, graphic arts, editorial design … teaching at the same time painting and drawing and arts creative for both children and adults.
She is a member of GpAyC. She participates in group exhibitions in Spain, Europe, South America, Asia and the USA, and exhibits individually in different Spanish provinces and in Madrid. She has permanent work in various collections, museums and institutions in various countries.
In recent years, she has applied digital graphic design techniques to her visual projects, resulting in a series of digital drawings and paintings, both figurative and abstract, made entirely with a computer, in addition to continuing to develop realistic drawings in Chinese
ink or pencil; a reflection of her liking for the variety of techniques as a means of expression.
In addition to her own artistic and exhibition work, she collaborates as a designer with various artists and art collectives in the dissemination and promotion of their projects and creations, carrying out web, graphic and editorial design work, as well as video reports of artistic events (
Exposiciones colectivas:
– “Baricharte XII” – Sala Aquileo Parra en Barichara y Casa de la Cultura Luis Roncancio en San Gil. Colombia.
– “Solo Arte” – AEPE. Madrid.
– “La locura del miniarte” ExpoFeria – Santana Art Gallery, Madrid.
– “Catálogo de Arte Internacional Remedios Varo” – Casa de Arte y Subasta Catalina. Exposición virtual, desde México.
– “V Salón del Dibujo, Grabado e Ilustración” – AEPE.Madrid.
– “Desde mi ventana” – Prisma Internacional. Exposición virtual internacional, desde Chile.
– “Un Minuto de Reflexión en el Arte Internacional” – Galería de Arte Frida Kahlo. Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México.
– “Homeostasis” VII Encuentro de Artistas Mujeres Pachamama Virtual. Cuzco, Perú.
– “Women in art” – The Plaxal Gallery, Long Island City Artists. New York, USA.
– “Certamen Pintura en los balcones” Candeleda III. Candeleda, Ávila.
– “XIV Salón de Primavera de Valdepeñas” de la AEPE. Madrid.
– “Al azar” – Comisariada por Mariana Alejandrina / Arteinformado (on-line).
– “Invencibles” Exposición virtual comisariada por María José Bro / Style Internacional. Madrid.
– “57 Certamen de San Isidro de la AEPE” – Madrid.
– “Exposición virtual” La Mirada Actual – Madrid.
– “Miniarte Verdade Virtual” 38ª y 39ª Edición Miniarte Internacional (on-line).
– “Invencibles” María José Bro y Style Internacional, exposición virtual – Madrid.
– “V Salón de Arte Abstracto de la AEPE” – Madrid.
– “Tu mejor pintura” – Galería artelibre (on-line).
– “#cuARTEntena de La Arteinformada – Arteinformado (on-line).
– “#arteCOVID-19 de La Arteinformada – Arteinformado (on-line).
– “Carnaval” – Galleria Atelier Spazio40, Roma (Italia).
– “Expoarte GpAyC | Crear y Ayudar” – Santana Art Gallery (Madrid).
– “Primera Expo colectiva Mujeres” – Santana Art Gallery (Madrid).
– “Kolekcia Espanetidan” – King David Towers, Tblisi (Georgia).
– “Artistas del s.XX al s.XXI” – Santana Art Gallery (Madrid).
– “12ª Arte no Fórum” – São Paulo (Brasil).
– “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” – Molina de Segura, Murcia.
– “Kolekcia Espanetidan” – Casa Museo el Romeral (Madrid).
– Subasta benéfica Llevarte – Fundación Vianorte-Laguna (Madrid).
– Subasta benéfica Ocre & Oro – Tarragona.
– “XXXIII Salão de Artes Plásticas de Aceburgo” – Minas Gerais (Brasil).
– “El Quijote viaja a Santo Domingo” – Sala Domus Artis, El Toboso (Toledo).
– “Ante el Arte” – Espacio Galaxia (Madrid).
– “Grupo pro Arte y Cultura” – Convento de San Diego, Alaior (Menorca).
–“Spanische Sammlung” – Colección de los Condes Waldburg en el Palast Hohenems (Austria).
–“Existencia, soledad y amor” – Universidad de Tamkang – Taipéi (Taiwán).
–“Homenaje a CJC en el Primer Centenario de su Nacimiento” – Círculo de Bellas Artes (Madrid).
–“Spanische Sammlung” – Colección Habsburgo-Lorena en el Castillo de Gmünd (Austria).
–“De Profesión sus Labores” – ETSI de Minas y Energía (Madrid).
–“Concurso Dulcinea del Toboso” – Sala de exposiciones del Ayuntamiento de El Toboso (Toledo).
–“NY Summer Salon 2015” – Jadite Gallery en New York (USA).
–“Homenaje a Miguel de Cervantes” – Gällivare Museum en Gällivare (Suecia).
–“Show de Bola” – Dallas (USA).
– “Los gatos del jardín botánico de Valencia” – Jardín Botánico, Universidad de Valencia.
–“Revoloteo de Cigüeñas” – Residencia universitaria Cardenal Cisneros en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
–“Por los Caminos del Quijote” – Convento de los Capuchinos de Esquivias y Centro Cultural Miguel de Cervantes de El Toboso (Toledo), Casa Medrano en Argamasilla de Alba (Ciudad Real), Centro de Ocio de Azuqueca de Henares (Guadalajara) y Biblioteca Municipal Ana María Matute (Madrid).
–“Arte en St.John’s” – Sala St.John’s (Madrid).
–“Un Escaparate Para El Quijote” – Calle Mayor de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
–“Cigüeñas en el Castillo de Santa Ana” – Castillo de Santa Ana en Roquetas de Mar (Almería).
–“Los Caprichos del Agua” – Quinta de Cervantes en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
–“Encuentros de Arte” – Librería Davar (Madrid).
–“Recovecos del Camino” – Venta Fròmista (Palencia).
–I Exposición de Arte Contemporáneo “Arte y Cultura” de la Fundación Educación y Familia en Pamplona (Navarra)
Exposiciones individuales:
–“Del lápiz al pincel” – Charlotte (Madrid) 2013.
–“Lápices y Tintas” – Cafetería Amsterdam en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) 2013.
–“Parajes de Castilla en Blanco y Negro” – Librería Rossina en Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) 2013.
–“Color y Contraste en el valle del Corneja”– Edificio Gabriel y Galán en Piedrahita (Ávila) 2012-2013.
–“Pintura y Dibujo” – Salón de exposiciones del Ayuntamiento de Piedrahita (Ávila) 2011.
Excellence Award from the GpAyC in Graphic Design (2020)
Third Prize for Drawing from the Real Jardín Botánico Juan Carlos I de Alcalá de Henares (2014)
Excellence Award for Drawing from the Tertulia Ilustrada de Madrid (2013)
Premio Excelencia del GpAyC en Diseño gráfico (2020)
Tercer Premio de Dibujo del Real Jardín Botánico Juan Carlos I de Alcalá de Henares (2014)
Premio Excelencia al Dibujo de la Tertulia Ilustrada de Madrid (2013)